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Work visa for Norway 2024: How to get one and requirements

Work visa for Norway 2024: How to get one and requirements

Norway visa types include skilled worker permits (this includes self-employed workers who are also seeking a visa), student visas, family reunification visas and many more.

For example, those who successfully obtain a work visa will be able to bring their spouse, children and cohabitants to Norway through the family visa process . Family members must apply for their visa at the same time as the worker to receive answers about their permits together.

To apply for the Norwegian work visa, you will need a residence permit. The Norway visa application and process begins online at the Norwegian Immigration Directorate website.

The requirements for a Norway visa vary depending on the visa you apply for. Skilled workers will need a job, and if you are self-employed, you and your business will need to meet certain income criteria. Norway visa fees for skilled workers and self-employed workers cost Around $589.

It is important to note that you must apply for the correct visa to legally live and work in Norway. Unlike most European countries, Norway does not participate in the EU Blue Card scheme (inspired by the US Green Card).

Complete guide to applying for a work visa for Norway

Work permits and employment-based visas

Whether you need a work permit and employment visa for Norway depends on where you are from and even the amount of time you plan to work in the country. If you come from the EU/EEA or one of the Nordic countries, you do not need a permit to work in Norway. For those coming from other places, you will need a residence permit that allows you to work in the country.

Who can apply for a Norway work visa?

  1. You have completed higher education.
  2. You have completed professional training.
  3. You have “special qualifications” that make you eligible for the job, even if you lack the proper education.
  4. You have found a job with an employer in Norway.
  5. The job is full time.
  6. The job does not pay less than a Norwegian citizen would pay.
  7. Are you older than 18.
  8. You have no criminal record.

How to apply for a Norwegian work permit

The Norway work permit visa application form can be found online  on  the Norwegian Immigration Directorate website. The most common visa for professional expats moving to Norway is the skilled worker visa. Once your visa application has been submitted, it usually takes about a month to receive a response.

It is essential that you work only once you have the appropriate residence permit. Otherwise, without it, you may be subject to imprisonment and/or fines. Please note that unlike most other European countries, Norway is not part of the EU Blue Card scheme.

Norwegian visa types

There are other visas, rules and exceptions for artists, performers, musicians, sailors and diplomats. If you are a diplomat or NATO staff, you and your family do not need a residence permit.

If you are a seafarer working for a Norwegian ship sailing between Norway and a foreign port, you do not need a residence permit to work in Norway. You’ll only need one if you’re sailing between Norwegian ports (this makes you eligible for the Skilled Worker Residence Permit, as well as the Seasonal Work Permit and Unskilled Russian Worker Residence Permit). If you are an artist, musician or performer, you do not need a residence permit and you can work in the country for a maximum of two weeks during

a calendar year. However, you may need a visitor visa and must notify the police in writing  before entering the country.

The rules for employers vary depending on whether they hire a foreigner from outside the EU/EEA or within.

Things to keep in mind: EU citizens vs. non-EU citizens

EU/EEA nationals

EU/EEA citizens have the right to move, work and start working immediately in Norway. However, they must register with the police no later than three months after moving to the Nordic country. This will cost nothing.

These citizens must bring their employment contract and  work certificate  (provided by the employer). Swedish, Danish, Finnish and Icelandic citizens do not need to register with the police, but must report their move to the  National Register.

If an EU/EEA citizen moves to the country without work, they must register in the country as a job seeker. They will have six months to look for employment. If they do not find one within this period, they must leave the country. However, they will still have the right to go back and start the process again shortly after.

Non-EU/EEA nationals

If you are not a resident of the EU/EEA and work in the country for less than three months, there are exceptions for the following occupations:

  1. researchers and lecturers;
  2. some employees of international companies;
  3. some technical experts;
  4. some commercial and business travelers;
  5. some doctors;
  6. some religious preachers;
  7. some professional athletes along with their accompanying support network;
  8. some journalists, photographers and employees of foreign media institutions;
  9. aircraft personnel in international traffic;
  10. foreign train, bus or truck personnel in international traffic;
  11. the necessary safety and maintenance crew on foreign-owned ships docked in Norway;
  12. tour guides accompanying foreign travel companies.

An employer will need to submit an   official  offer of employment  for foreign, non-EU/EEA citizens to apply for their residence permit to work. Employers can also request this on behalf of the employee provided they are given written consent.

Employees cannot start working without their residence permit. This permit is renewable and it is advisable for workers who are still working in Norway to renew it one to three months before their permit expires.

For more information on the process for non-EU/EEA citizens, please read below.

Norway Work Visa Requirements

To receive your skilled worker permit, there are specific requirements related to your education, employment status, and other special requirements that you must meet.


Education and Qualifications Requirements

You must have at least one of the following educational qualifications:

  1. Completed vocational training program of at least three years at senior secondary school level.
  2. Completed education or degree from a university/university college
  3. special qualifications you have obtained through long work experience

Employment requirements

  1. you must have a concrete job offer from a Norwegian employer
  2. the job must be full time
  3. the position must require qualifications as a skilled worker and you must meet these qualifications
  4. Salary and working conditions should not be poorer than  what is normal in Norway.

Other requirements and documents

  1. valid passport
  2. completed visa application form
  3. two recent passport photos
  4. Details of your CV and qualifications
  5. proof of your job offer and salary
  6. proof of accommodation in Norway
  7. license if your work is a regulated profession  and requires authorization or recognition.
  8. pay the cost of the Norway visa, which is 5400 NOK (589 USD)

family visa

Skilled workers can bring in  immediate family members  as long as they can support them. This includes spouses, children (including foster children), parents, full siblings, and fiancés. To bring your spouse to the country, you must earn 306,700 NOK (33,650 USD).

The easiest way to bring a family member is to have them apply for their own visa at the same time as you. This way, everyone will receive a response to their visa applications at the same time. The answer usually comes within three months. Employers may also submit a request on behalf of an employee’s family as long as they receive written authorization from the family members.


The cost of a first-time family immigration visa is 10,500 NOK (1,152 USD). For adults who already have a family immigration permit (e.g. dating, married), they pay NOK 2,600 (USD 285). For children under 18 years of age, the application fee is free.

Business Visa

Business travelers seeking a business visa, even just for one day, must apply for a residence permit to work (such as the skilled worker visa described above). The business visa is reserved for those attending a business meeting (this excludes things like workshops or similar sessions). Even in this case, they will be issued a visitor visa.

Self-employment visas

Norway self-employment visas fall under the skilled worker visa described above. It has two different routes: self-employed with a company in Norway and self-employed with a company abroad. The educational requirements and qualifications for both are the same as mentioned above:

  1. Completed a vocational training program of at least three years at the senior secondary school level.
  2. Completed education or degree from a university/university college
  3. special qualifications you have obtained through long work experience

How to apply for a self-employed visa

The requirements related to a self-employment visa differ slightly.

Self-employed people with a company in Norway
  1. You must have plans to engage in long-term business activities in Norway
  2. the business in question must be solely owned by you; It cannot be a limited company; must work only in this business and cannot do other work
  3. The work you will perform must require your qualifications as a skilled worker
  4. the company must give you a profit of at least 246,246 NOK (27,025 USD) per year before taxes
  5. business permits from public authorities if necessary

Rights and obligations

  1. The permit will be granted for one year at a time
  2. after three years, you can apply for a permanent residence permit
  3. you can bring family members with you; They must apply for their family immigration visa at the same time as you so that they receive answers on their applications together
Self-employed workers with a company abroad
  1. You must be a self-employed person with a contract with a company established abroad to carry out an assignment in Norway for a specific company
  2. the company in Norway must have a registered address in the Nordic country
  3. remuneration should not be poorer than normal in Norway
  4. The work you will perform must require your qualifications as a skilled worker
  5. License if your work is a regulated profession and requires authorization or recognition.

Rights and obligations

  1. You can be granted this permit for two years at a time, for up to six years
  2. If your assignment lasts more than six months, your spouse/partner and children can move to Norway with you; They must apply for their family immigration visa at the same time as you so that they receive responses to their applications together

How to apply

The visa application process for a self-employed permit in Norway is quite simplified and easy. Please note that all workers wishing to be self-employed in Norway must be at least 18 years of age. Students are prohibited from self-employment.

Requirements to apply

Regardless of which self-employment route you take, the cost is the same as the Skilled Worker Residence Permit: NOK 5,400 ($593). The application form can be found online  on  the Norwegian Immigration Directorate website. First-time applicants can apply at a Norwegian embassy/consulate.

Required documents may include:

  1. proof of education, qualifications and work experience;
  2. copy of your passport;
  3. passport photos;
  4. detailed description of the company, including name and address;
  5. financial and business plans;
  6. necessary permits;
  7. proof of accommodation in Norway;
  8. payment of the application fee.

Permits can be renewed one month before expiration.

How to obtain temporary residence in Norway

If you’re wondering how to apply for a temporary residence permit, know that there are several different routes, including a residence permit to work and a family immigration permit (both covered above).

The skilled worker permit allows you to bring your family as mentioned. Other routes include a student residence permit (study permit). The latter is what we will cover in this section. For information on the above, see the section above.

Please note that temporary residence permit applications can be found online on the  Norwegian Immigration Directorate website.

Requirements and rates

The requirements for a study permit vary depending on whether you go to school at the higher education level, senior secondary school, popular secondary school or a religious school. The cost of a study permit is NOK 5,300 (USD 580) if you are over 18 or free for students under 18.

University/College/Vocational School Requirements:

  1. must have been admitted to an accredited  full-time college, university, or vocational school 
  2. at least 121,220 NOK (13,262 USD) to live on annually
  3. enough money to cover tuition fees
  4. accommodation test
  5. Circumstances in your home country should indicate that you are likely to be able to return home when you have completed your studies.

Senior High School Requirements: 

  1. must have been admitted full-time to the Norwegian College of Elite Sport, the Barrat Due Institute of Music or the Bårdar Academy
  2. must have enough money to live
  3. accommodation test
  4. Circumstances in your home country should indicate that you are likely to be able to return home when you have completed your studies.
  5. must be planning to attend an International Baccalaureate program

Popular secondary school requirements:  

  1. must have been admitted to an approved popular secondary school 
  2. at least 104,500 NOK (11,411 USD) for the 2019-2020 school year
  3. Circumstances in your home country should indicate that you are likely to be able to return home when you have completed your studies.

Religious school requirements: 

  1. must have been admitted to school, full time
  2. at least 110,200 NOK (12,031 USD) to live on annually
  3. enough money to cover tuition fees
  4. accommodation test
  5. Circumstances in your home country should indicate that you are likely to be able to return home when you have completed your studies.

Family visa (temporary residence)

Those who successfully obtain a temporary residence permit for Norway (with some exceptions, such as certain student permits), are generally able to bring their children, spouse and cohabitants with them to Norway through the family immigration visa. Requirements for spouses include:

  1. valid marriage  (not  forced  or  proforma  );
  2. intention to live together in Norway;
  3. at least 24 years old.

If you are cohabiting, the requirements for both include:

  1. intention to live together in Norway;
  2. one of the following:
    1. lived together for at least two years and were not married to another person
    1. have or are expecting a child together

If you have children who want to move to Norway to be with you (including adopted children), you need a minimum of NOK 264,264 (USD 28,939) before taxes per year. People who are granted asylum or residency on humanitarian grounds may be exempt from this income requirement.

All applicants must have their passport.

How to obtain permanent residence in Norway

If you are wondering how to become a permanent resident in Norway as a non-EU/EEA person, you first need a temporary residence permit (see above). If you have lived in Norway continuously for three years, then you are eligible for a permanent residence permit in the country. On the other hand, EU/EEA citizens can apply for the right of permanent residence after having lived in the country for five years.

The application for Norwegian permanent residence is done in person. You must book your appointment with the police three months before your current residence permit expires via the Online Application Portal. It may take up to eight months to receive a response.

There are many benefits of permanent residence in Norway. They include being able to live, work and study in the country indefinitely. You also receive additional protection against deportation and family members may be eligible to join in Norway. Read more about this in the Family Visa section below.

Norway Permanent Resident Visa Requirements

  1. must have had a valid temporary permanent residence within the last three years
  2. must be able  to support themselves financially
  3. cannot have been convicted of a crime or ordered to undergo forced psychiatric treatment or care
  4. complete and pass instruction in Norwegian language and social studies

Norway Permanent Resident Fees

  1. for adults: NOK 3,100 (USD 340)
  2. for children under 18 years old: 0 NOK (0 USD)

Family visa (permanent residence)

Successful permanent residency applicants can bring their family through the family reunification process described above. The Norway fiancé visa process has particular requirements:

  1. Both family members must be at least 24 years old
  2. Intention to marry in Norway within six months
  3. Neither of them can be currently married to other people
  4. Intention to live together in Norway
  5. He must not have been forced to commit; the commitment must be genuine
  6. Applicant’s passport
  7. The person in Norway must have an income of at least 264,264 NOK (28,939 USD) before taxes per year

Adem Kermi
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