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Modern Slavery Statement

This Modern Slavery Statement outlines the measures OdaaRadar (“the Company”) has implemented to combat modern slavery and human trafficking within its operations and supply chain. OdaaRadar is dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards and ensuring that our business practices do not support any form of exploitation or abuse.

Organizational Structure

OdaaRadar is a travel blog website offering insights and services pertaining to travel and tourism. Though our main focus is on digital content creation and online services, we are vigilant in ensuring that our supply chains remain free from any instances of modern slavery.

Our Policies on Modern Slavery

OdaaRadar recognizes modern slavery as a serious human rights violation and a criminal offense. We are committed to eliminating slavery and human trafficking from our business operations and supply chain. Our policies include:

Due Diligence

OdaaRadar regularly performs risk assessments to identify and mitigate risks of modern slavery in its operations and supply chain. This involves evaluating the countries and sectors we work in, as well as scrutinizing our suppliers and business partners.

Training and Awareness

We conduct training sessions for our employees and key stakeholders to educate them about the risks of modern slavery and the steps to identify and address any related issues. This includes specialized training for those involved in procurement and managing supply chains.

Reporting and Whistleblowing

OdaaRadar promotes a culture of openness and transparency where employees and stakeholders are encouraged to voice concerns about modern slavery via our established reporting mechanisms. All reports are taken seriously, thoroughly investigated, and addressed appropriately.

Monitoring and Compliance

The Company is dedicated to continually monitoring its effectiveness in preventing modern slavery and routinely revises its policies and practices to ensure compliance.


OdaaRadar is steadfast in its commitment to eliminate modern slavery from its operations and supply chain. This statement is reviewed annually and amended as needed to reflect our persistent dedication to ethical business conduct.