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How to Get Italian Citizenship – Complete Guide

How to Get Italian Citizenship – Complete Guide

If you are looking for a greener pasture to settle in for starting a new life or establishing yourself as well as building up a new family, lots of countries around the world have favorable immigration policies that favor immigrants willing to get a job or citizenship.

In considering one out of the list of countries to choose, you might come across several European countries in the world. You might also be stuck when choosing the best out of the others.

Nevertheless, we will discuss Italy and why you should apply for citizenship in such a country filled with art and culture. Now to the question: do you think getting Italian citizenship is worth it?

Absolutely! Yes, getting Italian citizenship is worth it and also your best bet. As an immigrant, you will be eligible for several benefits just like an ordinary citizen of Italy itself. Traveling benefits across the 27 EU countries and employment benefits are some of the benefits that Italy offers to you on your citizenship status.

 These benefits are open to all immigrants provided if they meet the requirements, and it can vary which might be based on the applicants’ personal preferences and family history.

Think of a haven where you can set a pace to develop yourself as well as your career free from the hindrance and limitations imposed upon yourself where you came from.

The best of it all is that after completing the required stages and procedures, your citizenship application gets approved and you become an Italian, which presupposes that you can hold on to it forever and your descendants will also benefit from your citizenship by taking it as an advantage to utilizing the benefits.

How Do I Get An Italian Citizenship?

Before delving into the specifics, every immigrant seeking Italian citizenship should understand that applying to be a citizen in Italy often involves complexity as well as navigating through auratic procedures whereby the specified criteria must be met before the applicant is willing to get Italian citizenship approved.

However, don’t fret because the steps and guides you’re about to receive in this article will make you understand how the Italian citizenship requirements work. Kindly read on as we show you based on how it is being done.

1.   Securing Italian Citizenship by Descent

This process is known as Jure Sanguinis Italy. Italian Dual Citizenship claims that this is one of the fastest and easiest ways you can get Italian citizenship.

You might be an immigrant whose ancestry can be traced back to Italian roots, and if you can prove this heritage you’re good to go. Proving such a heritage also involves various steps like ancestry verification and documentation.

While verifying your ancestry, what is needed is that you will need to provide a clear lineage that connects you to an Italian ancestor like someone related who was an Italian citizen right before or during the birth of your parents.

You can verify your ancestry by tendering birth, marriage, or death certificates to prove your Italian lineage.

2.   Securing Italian Citizenship by Marriage

Did you fall in love with an Italian while coming for tourism, work, or studying, if yes, then you’re in luck because you automatically become an Italian citizen after the matrimonial agreements between the both of you have been finalized?

When you find yourself in this circumstance your Italian citizenship gets guaranteed after two years into your marriage in the country.

If you also have to marry an Italian while living outside the country, then you will have to wait for three years before you can apply for Italian citizenship. It is imperative to trust that the process gets easier in this circumstance.

However, you must also be aware of certain rules and regulations on Italian citizenship by marriage or civil union to understand the due process to follow as well as some limitations which the Italian government has imposed on its citizens regarding matrimony.

3.   Securing Italian Citizenship by Residency/ Naturalization

Were you thinking of using another method? Well, it doesn’t seem to get easier everything because getting citizenship by residency/ naturalization is very complex and challenging.

The reason? Because it involves several steps that you must undertake.

Establishing a legal residence in Italy should be the first step and you must live in the country for 6 months. You must also gather evidence of a stable income and integration into Italian society.

There are also certain mandatory requirements that you must satisfy which are based on your circumstances.

Some of them may stipulate that you will have to live in Italy for 10 years to apply for citizenship in the country otherwise your application would be rejected.

4.   Securing Citizenship Through Exception

Known as Jure Sanitatis which applies to every kind of immigrant, especially international students. Thus, they can be eligible for citizenship provided that they made great contributions to Italy in the fields of arts, sciences, sports, or economy.

Why would Italy want to offer these kinds of people citizenship? It’s because they are seen as entrepreneurs with innovative mindsets who would steer the affairs of the Italian economy.

The process of getting Italian citizenship using this method comes easily by compiling evidence of your achievements and contributions, and then consulting with the Italian immigration authorities to understand the specific requirements you need to meet.

5.   Obtaining Italian Citizenship by Investment

According to the Immigrant Investment website, another way to get Italian citizenship is through investment.

This method of citizenship cannot be obtained directly as it stipulates since there are procedures as well as steps you will need to follow which is to know about the Golden Visa by investment program.

Applicants are also eligible to choose any of the four investment options to begin with:

  • 250,000 Pounds for investing in an innovative enterprise;
  • Around 500,000 Pounds or above for equity financing to an Italian limited company:
  • Investing over 1,000,000 Pounds or above as a Philanthropic donation

After obtaining a residence permit under the Italy Golden Visa program, the issuance can be for two years, and then be extended to three years if the investment is maintained.

Receiving citizenship by naturalization can also be under general conditions. Note that after five to ten years of permanent residence, the investor assumes permanent residence.


How difficult is it to get Italian citizenship?

Some of the process involved in getting Italian citizenship is very difficult. It happens when obtaining it through naturalization. This is because it can be a time-consuming and complex process.

If you are a foreigner with no familial ties to Italy, then opting for the method of naturalization should be your best bet.

Do you need to learn Italian to get Italian to get Italian citizenship?

In most cases, it is not mandatory to do so, but it is highly recommended to learn the language to integrate with the Italian culture and everyday life.

Does Italy give citizenship to foreigners?

Yes, It does! A foreigner who receives a resident permit card will be eligible to apply for Italian citizenship within 10 years.

They also need to reside in the country within a reasonable time frame before applying, and they must also show evidence of receiving income and paying taxes.

Final Thoughts

Let’s warp things up by concluding that Italy will be your haven after successfully applying for citizenship. Always remember that there are various ways in which you can do this and that each method has different procedures to follow.

Hence you are automatically an Italian whose country is part of the European Union (EU). Don’t also miss out on the numerous benefits attached to your citizenship. Give Italy a try today!

Adem Kermi
My Name is Aadem Beriso. You Know I am deadpan face Man with very serious looking personality, But in fact I am very open and not the guy like everybody think.My Father calls me sadam husein,coz i was born during his regime! my mother called me Ambute which meant for my little boy.