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How to Get Dual Citizenship

How to Get Dual Citizenship

The insurgent dream has come to an end. Each one of us comes from at least one nation, and when it comes to citizenship requirements, it’s not news that every nation has its own stated rules, along with its politics and nationality laws.

This article takes us through how to get dual citizenship, the advantages and disadvantages, requirements, factors to be considered, and frequently asked questions.

Let’s get started.

Firstly, before going into the main focus of this article, what is dual citizenship?

What is dual citizenship?

Dual citizenship is the process of someone being recognized as a citizen of two countries at the same time. On the other hand, a dual citizen is a person who has the citizenship card of two countries.

Not every country allows its residents to hold dual citizenship. Before attempting to obtain dual citizenship, it is critical to confirm if your country allows it.

Advantages of Dual Citizenship

Dual Citizenship Advantages

1. Political Rights

Dual citizens can freely engage in the political life of each country in which they have citizenship.

The political right includes the right and privilege to vote and run elections, as well as participate in any political affairs of that nation.

2. Working and traveling

A dual citizen does not need a visa or permit to visit the country, and they can stay for as long as they want, unlike foreigners.

They can also work in both nations, although foreigners must go through a lengthy process to obtain a work permit. They are also exempt from any international commercial limitations.

3. Social Services

Dual citizens are entitled to the perks and privileges provided by each country in which they reside.

This advantage enables people to obtain medical care or processes that are not available in their home country.

They can also attend classes at the same cost as domestic students.

3. Two Passports

As a dual citizen, you are permitted to travel with passports from both nations. For instance, if you are an Australian citizen and a US citizen, you can travel frequently between the two nations.

Having a passport issued by a citizen eliminates the need for long-stay visas and any questions regarding the purpose of your journey during the customs process.

Having a double passport enables you to travel between the two nations, which helps if you have relatives in both nations, especially if you are a business person or a student.

4. Property Ownership

Another advantage of having dual citizenship is the ability to own property in both countries. Some countries only allow citizens to own land.

You would be able to buy property in either—or both—countries as a lawful citizen of both.

If you frequently travel between the two nations, this may be very advantageous because property ownership may give you a more cost-effective way to live in two places.

5. Cultural Education

As a dual citizen, you will benefit from being steeped in the cultures of both countries. Dual citizenship is favored by some government representatives as a strategy for enhancing the nation’s reputation as a top tourist destination.

Dual citizenship allows people to learn about the history of both countries, study two (or more) languages, and live in a diverse culture.

Because dual citizenship is complicated and the regulations and laws governing citizenship vary between nations, it may be in your best interest to speak with experienced experts–including accountants and lawyers—before making certain purchases or financial decisions.

Disadvantages of Dual Citizenship

1. Dual Obligations

You are obliged to obey the laws of both countries if you are a dual citizen.

You are subject to the laws of both countries if you have dual citizenship. For instance, if you are a citizen of both the United States and a nation that requires military duty, you may lose your citizenship in certain situations, such as if you serve as an officer in a foreign army that is at war with the United States.

In general, U.S. policy acknowledges that dual citizens may be lawfully required to carry out military duties abroad, and many can do so without compromising their U.S. citizenship. However, it is vital to carefully examine each circumstance.

2. Double Taxation

Individuals who are dual citizens of the United States and another country must pay taxes on income generated anywhere in the world.

If you live in a country other than the United States as your dual residence, you may owe taxes to both the United States and the country where the income was obtained.

Income tax treaties between the United States and other nations, on the other hand, serve to successfully minimize or eliminate an individual’s tax liability to prevent double taxation.

A treaty between the United States and New Zealand, for example, overrides each country’s income tax regulations to avoid double taxation.

Even if they live and generate income in New Zealand, dual nationals may be compelled to file US tax filings.7 Because tax regulations are complex and can vary from year to year, individuals in this circumstance should contact a skilled tax accountant.

Even if earned as a foreign citizen, U.S. citizens are compelled to record their overseas income.

The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion permits United States citizens to deduct up to $112,000 in foreign-earned income from their taxes in 2022 ($120,000 in 2023).

3. Complicated Process

Dual citizenship can occur spontaneously in some cases (for example, when a kid is born in the United States to foreign parents).

However, the procedure might take many years and be exceedingly expensive and convoluted at times.

Some people may be discouraged from pursuing dual citizenship as a result of this.

How to Get Dual Citizenship

There are various options for obtaining a second passport and citizenship. Birth, naturalization, marriage, and investment are examples of these.

1. Birth

Non-residents of several nations can gain citizenship if their parents were born in that country.

For example, Hungary enables non-residents to get Hungarian citizenship if they can demonstrate in their application that their parents are citizens.

2. Naturalization

Naturalization is the process through which a resident of a country can get citizenship, usually by remaining in that country as a permanent resident for a specific number of years.

For example, to be eligible to petition for citizenship, permanent residents of Canada must remain in Canada for four out of six years.

Temporary residents, such as students and foreign workers, must first obtain permanent resident status before beginning to credit their years as residents toward the citizenship requirement.

If you want to obtain a second citizenship through naturalization, you should double-check the rules of your home country.

3. Marriage

Some nations give fast-track permanent resident status to people who marry a citizen of that country, shortening the time it takes to become a citizen.

Spousal sponsorship, for example, is permitted in Canada and results in automatic permanent resident status for the foreign spouse.

4. Investment

More and more countries are offering citizenship or residency through investment programs to high-net-worth individuals.

Citizenship by investment refers to the process of getting a second citizenship through investing in the host country’s economy.

Residency through investment programs provides permanent residency following the investment, shortening the period to citizenship.


What if my nation prohibits dual citizenship?

Even if your country does not legally allow dual citizenship, there are ways to obtain citizenship in numerous countries.

Other schemes exist in various nations that allow people to choose to have limited privileges in one country when becoming US citizens.

Can I have three passports?

The rules for triple citizenship and dual citizenship are similar. Check with your embassy or consulate to see if you are permitted to hold multiple citizenships.


Obtaining dual citizenship is a complex process that involves numerous steps and considerations.

Before going down this road, it is critical to conduct an extensive study, consult with legal and tax authorities, and consider the benefits and drawbacks.

Dual citizenship can provide unique benefits, but it also comes with duties that must be carefully managed if this status is to be effectively utilized.

Adem Kermi
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