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How To Get Citizenship In Sweden 2024

How To Get Citizenship In Sweden 2024

It only gets more interesting why you would love to be based out in Sweden and claim your home a few years later.

Sweden is known for many likeables, aside from being among the most beautiful destinations on earth with a strong economy she is also decked with universal healthcare.

Adding to that is 5 weeks of paid vacation per year and the best is citizens are entitled to free university.

The priceless part is its freedom. Citizens with a Sweden passport have free access to move about to any place in the EU; the most amazing part is that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Obtaining citizenship in Sweden is straightforward, and in this article, we’ll be looking at the major 3 ways to get citizenship in Sweden, the benefits of obtaining citizenship in Sweden, the required documents, and how to apply.

Benefits of Getting Citizenship in Sweden


As a Swede, you stand to rake in so many benefits ranging from free paid parental leave per annum to free university, and in between these benefits are the other benefits:

  • You have the right to a Swedish passport
  • Access throughout all the EU countries
  • You’re eligible to participate in the voting process
  • You’re free to base out anywhere in Sweden.

3 Ways To Get Citizenship in Sweden

You can become a citizen in Sweden by legitimization, familiar citizenship[I named that], citizenship by Naturalisation, and the following is a breakdown:

#1. Citizenship by Legitimization

This kind of citizenship automatically applies if a child is born out of wedlock then the non Sweden parent got married to a Sweden parent.

At such Condition, that child is approved as a legitimate child of the Sweden parents and is eligible to claim citizenship by Legitimization.

Claiming citizenship by this method is primarily to prove that one of their parents is a Swede. However, the requirements and procedures are dependent on the time, conditions, and place of birth of the child such as:

  • If the child is born after April 2015, at least one parent should be a citizen of Sweden For a deceased parent was a Swede at the time of death.

If the child was born before April 2015, the following applies:

  • The Mother must be Swede or be married to a Swedish citizen.
  • If the parents were never married, the father must be a Swedish citizen and the child must have been born in Sweden.

If you were born around June 1992 and were legally adopted by Swedish parents below the age of 12, you’re automatically a Swedish citizen.

#2. Familiar Citizenship

This kind of citizenship is granted to citizens from another country that matches the Sweden eligibility country code, maybe this might be due to some kind of diplomatic relationship. However, you’re eligible if:

  • You’re a citizen of Norway, Denmark, Iceland or Finland.
  • You must be in the age bracket of 18 to 20 years during application.
  • You must have spent uninterrupted 5 years living in Sweden.

#3. Citizenship by Naturalisation

Sweden citizenship by naturalization is a route for internationals to become legal citizens in Sweden, also this happens to be the longest to wait for because the process takes distinct stages with unique requirements such as:

  • You are at least 18 years old.
  • You must first become a resident in Sweden for 5 years with a legal and continuous legal permit.
  • 2 you have gained permanent resident status and have lived in Sweden for 10 years
  • You must demonstrate a good command of the Swedish language.
  • Display of good conduct and morals with the backing of a clean criminal report.
  • You’re to present an original copy of your national identity from your home country.

Some special residency time frame waiver includes:

  • 5 unwavering years if you’re a non-Nordic citizen, 2 years if you are.
  • 3 years residency to permanent residency if you’re married to a Swede and living in Sweden.

Step By Step How to Apply for Citizenship in Sweden

You are to apply online and the language not application is Swedish. In Swedish you’re to answer all the questions and apply.

In this case,e you should be conversant with the Swedish language or get a language translator application or browser extension to ease your application process.

The catch may be that you won’t be able to defend the language proficiency later on, but if you’re confident to deliver, why not?

Afterward, get the printout of the application and other documents and post it to the Migration Agency.

PS: this action is only possible in Sweden.

Then you’re to pay an application fee of SEK 1,500. If you were adopted and you’re under 15 years of age, you’re to pay SEK 175.

While filling out your citizenship application form, you can include the birth certificate of your children if they’re under 18 years old and are staying with you.

At this point, you’re waiting for a reply. If your request is granted, you’ll receive a reply at your registered postal address. You may take an oath of allegiance to Sweden.

After this action is the ceremony of citizenship, this is the point where you’ll receive Swedish citizenship.

To become a permanent resident, you first must be a regular:

How to Get Sweden Permanent Residence Permit

It begins being a regular resident to a permanent resident before taking up citizenship in Sweden:

Here is the checklist for seamless.sit, To become a resident, you must:

  • Apply for the personnummer known as the social number
  • Apply for a permanent permit and get a permanent residency card.
  • Have a legit and paying job in Sweden and secure a home or apartment
  • Open a bank account and learn the Swedish language


How much does it cost to get citizenship in Sweden?

You’re not paying to get citizenship in Sweden, you’re only paying for your application fee and the amount for citizenship appt fee is €1,500.

How can I become a permanent resident in Sweden?

Getting the Swede citizenship permission is straightforward however, it depends on your condition, time, and country of origin. Here it’s mainly on the pattern from RESIDENCY – PERMANENT RESIDENCY – CITIZENSHIP.


The good news, Sweden Permits expats to keep their national identity alongside Sweden’s. That is, you can have dual citizenship.

Sweden is a desirable destination at least for its super fast internet connection, and beautiful landscapes.

Swedish citizens enjoy up to 148 days of parental leave every year. As a Swede, you’re entitled to the Sweden sport, and you have the right to partake in electoral voting.

Swede students are all entitled to free university. If this sounds too good to be true, why not begin the process already?

Adem Kermi
My Name is Aadem Beriso. You Know I am deadpan face Man with very serious looking personality, But in fact I am very open and not the guy like everybody think.My Father calls me sadam husein,coz i was born during his regime! my mother called me Ambute which meant for my little boy.