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After Appeal is Allowed How Long to Get a Visa

After Appeal is Allowed How Long to Get a Visa

“After an appeal is allowed, how long will it take to get a visa in the UK?” Typically, you’ll have to wait for about 6 to 12 months, which is, in all senses, disappointing. But what if your appointment has a deadline, which in most cases always has?

Know that you can’t twist the arms of the consular to say yes; however, that doesn’t dismiss the possibility of upping your chances of being considered.

In this article, you’ll come to terms with what an appeal letter is, why you need an appeal letter and its importance.

I also agree that you should know the ingredients of a convincing appeal.

“After an appeal is allowed, how long will it take to get a visa?” You’ll get to know that too.

What is an Appeal Letter?

An appeal is giving reasons why a certain decision should be reconsidered because it doesn’t favor a party or was outright wrong.

Since you’re conversant with letter writing, an appeal letter is a letter to authorities or somebody in a position to give a new order in favor of something.

For visa issues, an appeal letter simply provides reasons why your visa application should be accepted.

I believe you’re no stranger to this because your curiosity brought you here.

You might have already sent an appeal letter to the UK consular office; now you’re wondering why it’s taken forever.

The answer lies in the next few lines

Either your appeal letter is rejected for some reasons you would have controlled; it’s still in the review process; it’s just a decision that won’t be changed; or maybe you didn’t get something right.

Why Appeal Letters Are Rejected

There are many unsuspecting causes for an appeal letter rejection, and some reasons include:

  • Missing the deadline
  • Insufficient Evidence
  • Incomplete Information
  • Lack of Grounds for Appeal
  • Failure to Follow Procedures
  • Inadequate Encoding

#1. Missing The Deadline

For applicants outside the UK, you have 28 days from the rejection date to submit an application letter. The rejection mail always comes with reasons for rejection.

That is enough information and time to cook up quite a convincing evidence-jammed letter.

Stopping by and smelling the roses after 28 days is bye-bye to seeing England for that particular purpose.

#2. Insufficient Evidence

The rejection letter will spell out why your visa application letter was rejected, however.

This evidence has a lot to do with the absence of supporting documents such as financial records, criminal records, the national ID card of your home country, employment letters, and evidence to prove that you’ll be returning to your country after your business is over.

Before you write up any application letter, know what information is vital—that is, the evidence.

#3. Incomplete Information

If your letter doesn’t show enough reasons why your visit to the UK is a worthy thing, then you wrote it for the trash.

In weaving an irresistible appeal letter, you should include the benefits of your visit to the country, such as creating employment for the locals or helping solve a notable economic problem.

Lest I forget, also include what your visit to the UK will benefit your country and the consequences if you fail to. Either way works well, and both ways work best.

#4. Lack of Grounds for Appeal

Don’t try to appeal when you know that you’re in no position to do so due to your condition. Your appeal must be based on valid reasons, such as errors, new evidence, or procedural irregularities. If the appeal lacks a legitimate basis, it may be dismissed.

#5. Failure to Follow Procedures

Don’t just pick a spot and start scumbling Shakespeare. The consular has its own procedures, which are sent to you alongside the rejection mail.

You should follow that; if it wasn’t sent, kindly visit the official website or your portal, where you regularly collect information.

#6. Inadequate Encoding

Your appeal letter will be rejected outright because of your poor writing style. Poorly written letters with grammatical and syntax errors are difficult to understand.

Remember, we’re talking about the UK here in English, so give it your best to write for proper decoding.

If you don’t trust your writing skills, hire a professional, and then defend your letter. Are you a Nigerian? Scholarship Errands are your best catch; I tell you that for free.

UK Approved Procedures for Acceptable Appeal Letters: Writing Approved Worthy Appeal Letters

Writing an approved, worthy appeal letter is as simple as knowing what is required and providing them with the UK writing procedures and guidelines.

That means you must know what the accepted procedures are, and here they come.

PS: Cut out emotions when writing an appeal letter and leverage realistic arguments. Do the following:

  • (This time), that is: Name and surname, Passport Number, Full address, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Email and Phone Number

The text body, the most crucial part of your letter, should include the following:

  • State the date you wrote the application and restate the purpose of your travel.
  • Acknowledge the date when you received the denial mail; it’s important.
  • Include the reasons why your visa application was refused; get these details from the rejection mail you’ve gotten from the embassy.
  • Write your argument in simple and clear English about why you think that your visa application refusal was wrongly judged. Include evidence, like supporting documents.
  • Adhere to the word count and add your signature at the end of the letter, whether it’s handwritten or if it’s demanded in the e-scan.
  • Address an office responsible for handling appeals with your letter; don’t be careless about it.
  • Include copies of any relevant documents, such as contracts, medical reports, or other evidence that strengthens your appeal.
  • Politely request a response or reconsideration of the decision within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Proofread your letter for grammatical errors and clarity. A well-written letter demonstrates professionalism.

If this seems scary to you, feel free to get help from professionals at this point, you’ll need it. Let’s hope for the best. Congratulations! Your application has been accepted, but why is it taking this long to reply?

After the Appeal is Allowed How Long Does It Take to Get a Visa?

I would have wondered the same: “Why is it taking so long to get a visa after the appeal approval?” Well, that’s simple, and here’s why your visa is taking so long:

When the immigration appeal is approved, the judge will notify the appropriate visa department to contact you. The determination takes four weeks to finalize.

After that, the appropriate visa section will take at least 8 weeks to prepare for your visa issuance. You can call this process “ruling processing”, and here’s when you’ll be contacted.

Altogether, it takes about 6 to 12 months to get a visa after an appeal letter has been approved, i.e., other special cases included. Sadly, you can’t influence this process.


Why Do You Need an Appeal Letter?

You need an appeal to formally and legally disagree with the previous decision that didn’t favor your visa application. You’re to write convincingly and argumentatively; cut off emotional words.

Requirements for Crafting Convincing Appeal?

There are three ingredients to go on for persuasive appeal: logos, pathos, and ethos. Logos are deploying facts in your piece. Trigger emotions with arguments and pathos. Pull up your moral standing or ground; that’s ethos.


Don’t get it twisted; an application letter is legally and officially showing why you think that your visa application rejection was based on the wrong notion.

And to do this, you must write with factual evidence in an argumentative manner, proving your points. Do well to back it up with evidence.

Writing an appeal letter demands a good command of the English language since you’re addressing it in the UK.

If you’re not sure about your skills, then hire professionals to help you out. Good luck.

Adem Kermi
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